Energy Market Investigation: Initial submission to the Competition and Markets Authority

Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

In June 2014, we referred the energy market to the Competition Markets Authority (CMA) because competition is not working as well as it could for consumers.

We believe the investigation will once and for all clear the air and allow the CMA to ensure there are no further barriers to effective competition in the energy market.

We have made the below submission to the CMA to help them carry out their investigation. It builds on our State of the Market Assessment and our Market Investigation Reference Decision.

It outlines:

  • our view on features of the market the CMA should consider when it conducts it investigation
  • our view on areas of the market we think the CMA should investigate
  • our view on areas of the market that the CMA should leave out of scope
  • the work Ofgem has been doing to address problems identified
  • the work Ofgem will continue during the investigation to help consumers get a simpler, clearer, fairer energy deal.