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ECO3 deemed scores decision

Publication date
Scheme name

On 4 April 2018 we published a consultation on our proposed updates to deemed scores for use in the ECO3 scheme.

Our consultation closed on 16 May 2018 and we received 45 responses. These are published on the original consultation page.

Document overview

The documents published as part of this response are our consultation decision document; the deemed scores that will be used in ECO3; stakeholders’ responses to the consultation (where they have agreed for these to be published); and an updated methodology document.

In the decision document, we summarise stakeholder responses and respond to the feedback. We then outline the outcome of the consultation and, where relevant, how we have changed our approach. The deemed scores published below have been updated to reflect decisions made in response to the consultation. The response document and updated deemed scores also reflect policy decisions announced by the Government in the response to their ECO3 consultation.