Distribution System Operation Incentive annual report - 2023 to 2024

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

A new Distribution System Operation (DSO) Output Delivery Incentive (ODI) was introduced as part of our RIIO-ED2 Final Determinations. The purpose of the DSO incentive is to drive licensees to more efficiently develop and use their network, taking into account flexible alternatives to network reinforcement. From 1 April 2024, Ofgem is required to publish a Distribution System Operation (DSO) Incentive Report by 30 September each year.

This DSO Incentive Report for the reporting year 2023 to 2024 sets out the distribution network companies’ DSO Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey scores; the DSO Performance Panel scores; detailed performance panel feedback and the overall financial reward or penalty that each distribution network company will receive for the DSO incentive.