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Decision on the Initial Project Assessment of the GridLink, NeuConnect and NorthConnect interconnectors

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Licence type
Electricity Interconnector Licence

We have decided to grant the GridLink, NeuConnect and NorthConnect interconnector projects a cap and floor regime in principle. This follows our June 2017 consultation which provided our minded-to position on the Initial Project Assessment (IPA) of these three projects.

Our June 2017 assessment demonstrated that GridLink, NeuConnect and NorthConnect are likely to be in the interests of  GB consumers. We have considered all of the consultation responses received (all non-confidential responses are available on the consultation page) and taken these into account in reaching our decision. On balance, we do not consider the points raised to alter our minded-to positions for the three projects as detailed in our June 2017 consultation.

We remain of the view that the three projects are likely to be in the interests of GB consumers. We have therefore decided to grant these interconnector projects a cap and floor regime in principle subject to the conditions set out in our decision.