Consumer Impacts of Markets Conditions survey: Waves 1 (March 2022) & 2 (July 2022)

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

We launched our Consumer Impacts of Market Conditions tracking survey in early 2022, to ensure that we and the energy sector have a good understanding of consumers’ experiences and attitudes during this difficult time. The survey covers issues such as affordability, awareness of available support, and experiences of supplier failure, as well as the impact of these on energy market engagement now and in the future.

We have run two waves of this survey to date: wave 1 in March 2022, and wave 2 in July 2022. By tracking responses over time, we are able to monitor how consumers are affected by ongoing changes in the market (such as the price cap rise in April 2022). By gaining a better understanding of consumers’ needs and experiences we are better able to respond to support consumers where they need it.

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