Consultation on licence changes to support electricity transmission competition during RIIO-T1

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  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closed date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Transmission Licence

We are consulting on proposed modifications to electricity transmission licences to implement onshore electricity transmission competition policy. This is focused on the RIIO-T1 price control period.

The policy decisions informing the proposed licence modifications are set out in a decision document which is published alongside the consultation.

The proposed modifications encompass the following areas: project identification (the process by which assets meeting the requisite tender criteria will be identified and assessed); tender commencement (the process by which a tender may be commenced); tender support (how licensees are to prepare for and support a tender); and conflict mitigation (how licensees are expected to mitigate conflicts of interest in connection with a tender). 

The status of this consultation has been changed to “Closed (with decision)” as the consultation period has passed. For more information, please see our consultation policy.

Respond name

Katie McFadden

Respond telephone

Respond email