Consultation on the evaluation process for the 2019-20 ESO regulatory and incentives framework

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

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Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

In April 2018, we introduced a new regulatory and incentives framework for the Electricity System Operator (ESO). We have started reviewing the effectiveness of this scheme in light of practical experience and intend to make refinements where necessary for 2019-21. In October we published our call for input on how we could improve the 2019-20 incentives scheme. Following on from this and based on our experiences so far, we are considering some changes to the evaluation process and the financial incentive parameters for 2019-20. We have set out our proposals to the evaluation process and financial incentive parameters in this letter and we welcome your views by 14 March 2019.

The status of this consultation has been changed to “Closed (with decision)” as the consultation period has passed. For more information, please see our consultation policy.

Respond name

ESO Regulation

Respond telephone