The Common Information Model (CIM) regulatory approach and the Long Term Development Statement

Reports, plans and updates

This open letter sets out our regulatory approach and intent to use the Common Information Model (CIM) as the expected data standard in our data related licence requirements and for it to be used more broadly for data exchanges in the energy industry. 

Following consultation, we have been chairing an industry-wide working group on reforms to the Long Term Development Statement (LTDS) since August 2021. The LTDS will adopt the CIM as its data standard. Based on the working group findings to date, and wider policy development, we have reached several decisions on our regulatory approach to the CIM, set out below:

  1. Where the need case is suitable, we will mandate the use of the CIM for network data exchanges under Ofgem managed standard network licences, starting with the LTDS;
  2. All GB CIM implementations should use the current version of the Common Grid Exchange Specification (CGMES), augmented by any appropriate IEC CIM standards. This is currently CGMES v.3 as the core data standard version of the CIM, with extensions in the current Common Distribution Power System Model (CDPSM) for unbalanced network models as required. This should be the basis for future data exchange architecture; and,
  3. We expect a national governance body will be required to manage the GB CIM profiles and any bespoke extensions required; however, we do not regard the lack of such body to be an impediment to the use of the CIM for licence conditions and grid code modifications. We will continue to explore possible options with industry.

We anticipate that the above decisions will provide clarity for stakeholders on our regulatory approach.

The work to deliver these reforms is being progressed through the LTDS working group. Stakeholders interested in further participation or information on the LTDS reforms or the adoption of the CIM should contact