On 29 May 2018 BEIS amended the regulations for the Domestic and Non-Domestic RHI schemes. These amendments introduced a number of changes. The first change that has come into effect relates to biomethane producers.
As of 20 June 2018, the RHI regulations will require biomethane applicants to specify the biogas production plant to be used for the purposes of RHI registration and to confirm that the equipment used to produce biomethane has been commissioned. The aim of this particular change is to remove the process of staggered commissioning for biomethane plants.
More information on this change, and all other changes introduced as part of these regulation amendments, can be found in BEIS' government response and the latest RHI regulations. Other changes introduced by these regulation amendments are listed below and include their expected coming into effect dates:
Revised questions in the application form for biomethane producers will not be in place from 20 June 2018. In the first instance we will be asking supplementary questions via an editable PDF document, and some of these changes will be included in the RHI Register, where appropriate, over the coming months. All biomethane producers seeking registration on the RHI scheme should continue to submit applications as normal and complete a copy of the biomethane questionnaire (titled Biomethane registration: additional questions) which can be accessed at the bottom of this webpage. Please upload a completed form to the RHI Register when you apply. If you are unable to upload, e-mail the questionnaire to RHI.Accreditation@ofgem.gov.uk referencing your RHI number in the subject line.