Change in timetable for Settlement Reform SCR

Correspondence and other
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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

We have reviewed the timetable and milestones for the Settlement Reform Significant Code Review, and re-planned the project to take account of some unavoidable delays. We plan to make our decision and publish our Full Business Case in Q3 (July-September) 2020. 

The ELEXON-chaired Design Working Group (DWG) has already delivered its recommendation to Ofgem for the Target Operating Model. We intend to use the time between the DWG TOM recommendation and our decision in 2020 to further develop the TOM design before making our final decision. To enable this, we will soon ask for stakeholder feedback on the structure we propose for this new phase of development work.

We are also now working on the detailed design considerations of the access to data arrangements, beyond those laid out in our decision document in June 2019. We continue to work closely with stakeholders to ensure our reforms are fair and proportionate.

Following our Call for Evidence on consumer impacts, we are carrying out further stakeholder engagement to help with the development of our Business Case.

The new timeline for the project is attached below.