Ofgem information for energy licensees on coronavirus (COVID-19) response

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Offshore Transmission Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Scheme name
Domestic RHI
Non-Domestic RHI

Page history

  • First published: 16 April 2020
  • Last updated: 16 April 2020
  1. This page has been replaced by a newer version. Go to our June 2020 priorities update


    Our immediate priorities 

    We are focused on ensuring that the energy industry can effectively respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Our priority is to protect consumers, especially vulnerable people, and to maintain Britain’s supply of electricity and gas. Here we explain how we are focusing our activities on the most time-critical work we carry out for consumers. 


    We are prioritising work on our response to the crisis. We are working closely and collaboratively with government, the energy industry, consumer organisations and other stakeholders to ensure that we can meet this overarching objective.

    We will also deliver our statutory obligations and progress time-critical work, being mindful of stakeholder capacity to engage. 

    We will continue to update this page with information for licensees, and will assess and adapt our approach as the situation develops.


  2. Regulatory implications by sector

    The following is a non-exhaustive summary of key regulatory implications, including relating to some industry programmes.

    We expect licensees to prioritise customer and staff safety and will be pragmatic in our approach to compliance during this period. Licensees should not be afraid to do the right thing for their customers.

    Jump to:

    Retail energy markets


    Wholesale energy markets


    Energy systems & networks


    Government environmental & social programmes


    Cross-cutting activities

  3. Resources