Offshore Transmission Owner (OFTO) Regime Tender Process – Consultation concerning the developments to the current tender process

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closing date
Industry sector
Offshore Transmission Network

Following extensive informal interaction with a variety of stakeholders, we are now formally consulting on a number of outcomes from a review that we have undertaken of the Offshore Transmission Owners (OFTOs) tender process. This considers whether additional changes should be made to help ensure that efficient, fit for purpose competitions are still run within the existing regime.

This consultation looks at a number of items relating to the OFTO tender process which we propose implementing in upcoming tender rounds to address some of the lessons learned from past tenders. This includes a number of proposals that we consider will benefit both incumbents (developers and bidders), but will also attract new entrants to the sector to continue to ensure strong competition and drive consumer benefits.

We also set out at a high level the work we are doing in relation to certain issues that have been raised with us during our stakeholder engagement and that are part of wider, longer-term issues faced by the offshore wind sector.

Please note that the original date for response to this consultation was 8 January, 2021, but this has now been extended to 22 January, 2021. You can submit your response anytime before this date. 


Respond name

Daniel Baker