North West Coast Connections – Consultation on the project’s Initial Needs Case and suitability for tendering

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Industry sector
Transmission Network

In this consultation we have set out our initial views on National Grid’s North West Coast Connections project which would connect a proposed new nuclear power station in Cumbria to the main transmission network in Great Britain.

This document covers three broad assessment areas:

  1. Whether we think there is a technical need for the project.
  2. How NGET has narrowed down the option it has taken forward to its planning consultation.
  3. Whether the project, or sections of it, are suitable for competitive tender.

This consultation is aimed at parties interested in our views on the first project we have assessed under both of these frameworks, including potential bidders, incumbent network operators, interested consumer groups, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Respond name

James Norman

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Subsidiary documents

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