Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive privacy notice

Publication date
Scheme name
Non-Domestic RHI

This privacy notice explains how we will process your personal information for the purposes of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (“NDRHI”) in Great Britain. This privacy notice also sets out your rights as a data subject.  

It applies to information we process concerning:

  • NDRHI scheme applicants and participants, registered users of the NDRHI Register, and installations of renewable heating systems;
  • people who contact Ofgem with a query or information request, for example, a right of access request, regarding the NDRHI scheme;
  • people who sign up to receive our newsletters and regular correspondence.


The controller for the processing of any personal information as outlined in this privacy notice is the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, (GEMA). For ease of reference, this privacy notice refers to the administrative office of GEMA, "Ofgem" throughout.