A Joint Consultation on AQUIND’s Exemption Request
- Upcoming
- Open
- Closed (awaiting decision)
- Closed (with decision)
The AQUIND Interconnector is a proposed interconnector project between France and the UK. The developers are seeking a partial exemption from certain aspects of Regulation (EU) 2019/943. Under the Regulation, the decision on whether to grant an exemption must be agreed by the National Regulatory Authorities of the Member States concerned.
This is a joint consultation by Ofgem and the French regulator, CRE. It outlines the evidence provided by AQUIND in support of its partial exemption application for the AQUIND Interconnector, as well as the conditions that AQUIND must satisfy in order for the exemption to be granted. If granted, the exemption will determine the regulatory arrangements in France only. AQUIND will still need to secure a regulatory solution in GB before the project can be built, which is not considered in this consultation.
This consultation seeks views from interested parties as to whether they consider AQUIND has met the exemption conditions. Responses would be also particularly welcomed to the specific questions set out in the document.
Alongside other subsidiary documents, Ofgem are publishing an Impact Assessment considering different impacts that the AQUIND Interconnector could have in GB. The information set out in this document should be taken into consideration in addition to the information and questions set out in the Joint Consultation published by Ofgem and CRE. The Impact Assessment relates only to the current exemption request and does not consider any potential regulatory arrangements in GB.
This consultation will close on 29 January 2021. Subject to stakeholder responses and the future regulatory arrangements between the UK and European Union, we aim to make our final decision in early 2021.