Investigating the potential impacts of Time of Use tariffs on domestic electricity customers: Smarter Markets Programme

Correspondence and other, Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

As part of our Smarter Markets Programme, we commissioned the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to undertake analysis of domestic electricity use patterns and to model the potential distributional impacts of time of use (ToU) tariffs.

We have today published CSEs report. The tariff modelling undertaken by CSE demonstrates the potential impacts of a ToU tariff on different consumers’ bills. It shows that the types of customers that benefit from ToU tariffs will depend on their current usage as well as how they respond and the types of ToU tariffs on offer.

The publication of this research represents a first step in seeking to understand how ToU tariffs may impact on different customers. We envisage undertaking further distributional analysis as we make progress towards specific policy decisions as part of the individual projects under the Smarter Markets Programme.