£1.9M Modernising Energy Data Access Competition

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Distribution Network
Offshore Transmission Network
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market

Innovate UK is helping modernise energy data

We are working with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Innovate UK. Together, we have supported their creating a £1.9M Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) funding competition. The competition challenges innovators to modernise access to energy data.

Why have this competition

Energy Data Taskforce report recommended creating three "building block" digital services to help modernise energy data. Innovate UK's competition creates the opportunity for the people with the best ideas to test and deliver ways to ensure these digital services interoperate with each other effectively.

Our own analysis

OFGEM, BEIS and Innovate UK have performed an initial analysis on how to ensure these services work together. We have identified a collective need (by all of these building blocks) for a Common Data Architecture between them. Potentially this common data architecture could also benefit other digital and data services.

For more detail

See our information document, attached to this webpage for additional information on the format of the Innovate UK competition and our thoughts on the need for Common Data Architecture