Ofgem launches Future Insights programme

Press release
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Ofgem has today launched its Future Insights programme with the first in a series of discussion papers exploring the issues and opportunities for consumers from the transformation of the energy system over the coming decades.

Our approach to the regulation of the energy system needs to remain relevant and responsive in the face of rapid energy system change.

Whilst it is impossible to know what the energy market will look like in 2030 or 2050, the papers will help us to develop a strategic vision so we can protect consumers now and in the future. 

Earlier this year, we asked stakeholders for their views on how the energy system could develop. We have fed these views into the discussion papers which we hope will generate further debate. 

As part of our Future Insights programme, Ofgem will hold stakeholder events to discuss these issues in the coming months. 

The first paper in the series, which we have published today, provides an overview of key developments in the energy system. Upcoming papers will explore some of these developments in more detail, including new ways to heat the home and the prospects for local energy markets.

Martin Crouch, senior partner for Improving Regulation at Ofgem, said: “We want to put consumers at the heart of the debate around the future energy system as it transforms in the coming decades. Our Future Insights programme will help us develop a strategic vision so we can protect consumers now and in the future. We invite stakeholders to join in the debate.”

Notes to editors

  1. See the first Future Insights discussion paper.
  2. See more information on the wider Future Insights programme.

About Ofgem

Ofgem is the independent energy regulator for Great Britain. Its priority is to make a positive difference for consumers by promoting competition in the energy markets and regulating networks.

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