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Master publications library

Our publications

This is a master library of all our publications dating back to 1998.

You can filter these publications by year, by type, and by industry sector or environmental scheme where appropriate.

All publications fall under one of the following main areas, which you can select using the area filter:

  • Corporate information - such as our annual report and accounts, our Forward Work Programme and corporate policy updates
  • Energy data and research - such as our facts & figures infographics and our consumer research reports
  • Energy policy and regulation - all of our consultations, decisions, reports and updates (and more) relating to our regulatory work. Most of our publications fall under this area.
  • Environmental and social schemes - guidance, reports and other publications relating to our environmental and social schemes
  • Information for business consumers / Information for household consumers - occasional publications for energy consumers (see our information for consumers section for more)
  • News and views - press releases, blogs and speeches by our senior team