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Compliance and enforcement

What we do

We monitor the energy market to ensure fair treatment of consumers and to secure compliance with legislation.

We work directly with businesses and other organisations in the energy sector to try and prevent harm to consumers before it happens, and to deliver credible deterrence across the range of our functions.

We may carry out investigations into the activities of businesses we believe may have breached one or more conditions of their licence or other relevant requirements. This applies to a wide range of businesses based on the licences we administer - you can see details of these licences and sectors in our information on licences and licence conditions.

You can see details of our ongoing supplier compliance and enforcement activity, including individual decisions, in the supplier compliance and enforcement section.

Finally, you can see details of any compliance activity in relation to wholesale market integrity in the REMIT compliance and enforcement section.

Fines and Payments

The chart below shows the total fines and redress payments since 2010.

This graph details the sums paid by energy companies following Ofgem compliance and enforcement actions since 2010. These include fines (statutory penalties which are paid directly to the Treasury) and voluntary redress payments (where we come to an arrangement with a company to make payments that will directly benefit consumers, such as those made to Ofgem's Voluntary Redress Fund).