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Feed-in Tariffs deployment caps reports

Deployment caps reports

On 8 February 2016 deployment caps were introduced into the Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme for all technologies with the exception of micro CHP. On 1 April 2017 deployment caps were introduced for micro CHP.

Deployment caps place limits on the total capacity that can receive a particular tariff rate in a particular tariff period. For tariff rates, please visit our FIT tariff rates page.

Tariff periods for all solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, hydro, and anaerobic digestion installations are quarterly and tariff periods for micro CHP installations are six monthly.

If you’re interested in activity in previous Tariff Periods then we publish the following reports at the end of each tariff period:

  • An ’End of Tariff Period report’ which is published quarterly at the end of each tariff period and confirms the activity in the previous tariff period.
  • An ’End of Tariff Period queue report’ which is a snapshot of the queue at the end of tariff period.

Please be aware that reports do not contain live information. This information is updated periodically and will contain the date the data was last updated.

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