Energy price cap

The energy price cap is the maximum amount energy suppliers can charge you for each unit of energy and standing charge if you're on a standard variable tariff.

Between 1 July to 30 September 2024  the energy price cap is set at £1,568 per year for a typical household who use electricity and gas and pay by Direct Debit. This is £122 lower than the cap set between 1 April to 30 June 2024 (£1,690).  

The price cap is based on typical household energy use. Read how typical household energy use is worked out in our Average gas and electricity usage guidance.

The price cap also makes sure that prices for people on a standard variable tariff (default tariff) are fair and that they reflect the cost of energy.

You are covered by the price cap if you pay for your electricity and gas by either:

  • standard credit (payment made when you get your electricity and gas bill)
  • Direct Debit
  • prepayment meter
  • Economy 7 (E7) meter

Electricity and gas unit prices and standing charges, 1 July to 30 September 2024 


Energy price cap per unit and standing charge

1 April to 30 June 2024  

Energy price cap per unit and standing charge

1 July to 30 September 2024  


24.50 pence per kWh

60.10 pence daily standing charge

22.36 pence per kWh

60.12 pence daily standing charge


6.04 pence per kWh

31.43 pence daily standing charge

5.48 pence per kWh 

31.41 pence daily standing charge

Figures are rounded to two decimal places and based on the England, Scotland and Wales average for people who pay by Direct Debit. These include VAT. 

Energy price cap standing charges and unit rates for your region

The actual rates you are charged will depend on where you live, how you pay your bill and the type of meter you have. Get energy price cap standing charges and unit rates by region.

Costs included in energy price cap

There are different costs included in the price cap. Any changes to these costs will affect how much the price cap will be each time it is reviewed. For example, if the amount a supplier has to pay goes up, the level of the price cap will go up. If the cost goes down, the level of the price cap will go down.

The tables on this page show the latest changes in price cap costs. The costs have been rounded to the nearest pound and may not add up to the total.

You can also see how the costs have changed in each price cap level

Changes to costs between 1 July to 30 September 2024, payment by Direct Debit



April to June 2024 July to September 2024  Change
Buying energy for customers (wholesale costs) £720 £613 -£107
Unexpected temporary cost adjustments (adjustment allowance) £28 £28 £0
Build, fix and repair pipes and wires to transport energy (network costs) £368 £363 -£5
Supplier business costs (operating) £223 £223 £0
Government social and environmental schemes (policy) £188 £188 £0
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) allowance £40 £38 -£2
Uncertain costs and risks (headroom) £18 £16 -£2
Extra costs for supplying energy customers using different payment methods
(payment uplift)
£15 £15 -£1
Making sure prepayment and Direct Debit customers pay the same standing charge (levelisation allowance)  £10 £10 £0
VAT (5%) £80 £75 -£6
Total £1,690 £1,568 -£122

Changes to costs between 1 July to 30 September 2024, payment by prepayment meter

Cost April to June 2024 July to September 2024  Change
Buying energy for customers (wholesale costs)  £720 £613 -£107
Unexpected temporary cost adjustments (adjustment allowance)  £9 £9 £0
Build, fix and repair pipes and wires to transport energy (network costs)  £361 £355 -£5
Supplier business costs (operating)  £197 £197 £0
Government social and environmental schemes (policy)  £188 £188 £0
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) allowance  £40 £39 -£1
Uncertain costs and risks (headroom)  £18 £17 -£2
Extra costs for supplying energy customers using different payment methods 
(payment uplift) 
£82 £82 £0
Making sure prepayment and Direct Debit customers pay the same standing charge (levelisation allowance)  -£49 -£50 £0
VAT (5%)  £78 £72 -£6
Total £1,643 £1,522 -£121

Changes to costs between 1 July to 30 September 2024, payment by standard credit 

Cost April to June 2024   July to September 2024  Change
Buying energy for customers (wholesale costs)  £720 £613 -£107
Unexpected temporary cost adjustments (adjustment allowance)  £28 £28 £0
Build, fix and repair pipes and wires to transport energy (network costs)  £368 £363 -£5
Supplier business costs (operating)  £223 £223 £0
Government social and environmental schemes (policy)  £188 £188 £0
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) allowance  £41 £40 -£2
Uncertain costs and risks (headroom)  £19 £18 -£2
Extra costs for supplying energy customers using different payment methods 
(payment uplift) 
£123 £117 -£7
VAT (5%)  £86 £80 -£6
Total  £1,796 £1,668 -£129

Changes to costs between 1 July to 30 September 2024, payment by Economy 7 (Direct Debit)

Cost April to June 2024   July to September 2024  Change
Buying energy for customers (wholesale costs)  £466 £394 -£73
Unexpected temporary cost adjustments (adjustment allowance)  £15 £15 £0
Build, fix and repair wires to transport energy (network costs)  £227 £220 -£7
Supplier business costs (operating)  £112 £112 £0
Government social and environmental schemes (policy) £201 £201 £0
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) allowance  £24 £23 -£1
Uncertain costs and risks (headroom)  £12 £11 -£1
Extra costs for supplying energy customers using different payment methods 
(payment uplift) 
£9 £9 £0
Making sure prepayment and Direct Debit customers pay the same standing charge (levelisation allowance)  £5 £5 £0
VAT (5%)  £54 £49 -£4
Total  £1,125 £1,037 -£87

The levelisation allowance was added into the price cap on 1 April 2024. It is in place to make sure people who pay for their energy using a prepayment meter will pay the same standing charge as those who pay by Direct Debit. 

We monitor suppliers to make sure their standard variable tariff (default tariff) rates do not go above the limit set by the price cap. Read more about how we protect these people in our energy price cap (default tariff) policy.

Energy price cap level dates

We review and update the price cap level every three months. The levels for the next periods will be announced by:

  • 27 August 2024 – period 1 October to 31 December 2024 
  • 25 November 2024 – period 1 January to 31 March 2025
  • 25 February 2025 – period 1 April 2025 – 30 June 2025