Xoserve - Decision on legal and regulatory framework to establish new governance and funding arrangements for the gas central service provider


In February 2014, we issued a consultation asking for your views on which option we should take forward with regards to the implementation of our decision to modify the existing legal and regulatory framework under which Xoserve operates. These changes to the regulatory and legal framework are necessary to implement our decision on Xoserve’s funding, governance and ownership (FGO) arrangements that was published in October 2013. 

We have concluded that:

  • Out of the four options we consulted on, option one should be taken forward.
  • Appropriate Uniform Network Code (UNC) modifications should be proposed and progressed, to require parties to jointly participate in Xoserve’s governance and funding.
  • We have identified no additional benefits at this time from Xoserve becoming a party to the UNC in order to implement the funding and governance changes to Xoserve.
  • We are proposing a licence change that will require Gas Transporters to deliver the new arrangements in full by 31 March 2017.