The current RIIO price controls for electricity transmission and gas transmission (RIIO-T1) and gas distribution (RIIO-GD1) run from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2021. For some of the cost categories where there was uncertainty about expenditure requirements at the time of setting allowances, the price controls include a “reopener” mechanism. The mechanism allows network companies to propose adjustments to baseline expenditure allowances for these costs when there is more certainty. The reopener mechanism specifies two windows during which adjustments to allowances may be proposed – one in May 2015 and other in May 2018.
We received submissions from four network companies during the May 2018 window. These are National Grid Electricity Transmission, National Grid Gas Transmission, Cadent Gas and Wales and West Utilities.
We published non-confidential versions of the network companies’ submissions, and sought early feedback from stakeholders as phase 1 of the consultation process.
We received one response for Quarry and Loss Development claims. This is published alongside our consultation on our initial view in respect of each of the submissions.