Final determination on Shetland enduring solution re-opener application

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Distribution Network
Licence type
Electricity Distribution Licence

As part of the RIIO-2 price control, network companies can apply for additional allowances via re-opener uncertainty mechanisms. In January 2024, Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution submitted its 'Shetland Standby Project' under the Shetland Enduring Solution Re-opener.

In September 2024, we consulted on our draft determination and associated draft direction for this re-opener application.

Having considered all responses to the consultation, this document sets out our decision to award allowances for Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution's 'Shetland Standby Project'. Concurrent with this decision, we are publishing a formal direction to implement our decision in Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution's RIIO-2 licence.

Update 10 February 2025

There were some minor errors in the published final determination and accompanying direction. It was therefore necessary to make changes to these documents. You can find the corrections we made in the attached erratum notice. Alongside this erratum notice, we have published a revised final determination document and associated direction.