Final decisions on applications from APX and NPS to be designated as Nominated Electricity Market Operators in Great Britain

Decision, Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Generation and Wholesale Market

Ofgem’s decisions to designate APX Commodities Limited and Nord Pool Spot AS as Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) in Great Britain (GB) for single day ahead and intraday coupling under the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management.

This decision letter formally concludes the initial designation process meaning that applications to the Authority for designation as a NEMO in GB may now be received at any time.

Clarification of basis of NEMO Designation

The Notices of Designation provided for Nord Pool Spot AS (NPS) and APX Commodities Limited referred to Articles 4(4) and 9(8)(a) of the CACM regulation. However, we consider that Article 4(2) is also relevant and so for clarity it should also be specified on the face of the Notice of Designation.

We have therefore included this within our recent decision on the designation of EPEX SPOT SE as a NEMO, and we have written to NPS clarifying that this is also the basis on which their designation is made and providing an amended Notice of Designation. This letter and amended Notice of Designation is provided here as a subsidiary document to our original decision. There are no other changes to the original Notice of Designation, which continues to be valid, and no action is required from NPS.