Decision on proof of UK consumption of overseas electricity consultation


On 12 January 2016 Ofgem published a “Consultation on proof of UK consumption of overseas electricity”, to seek stakeholder views on the points raised above.

We consulted further because the analysis underpinning our original “Decision on market coupling and Levy Exemption Certificates, and applicability to other schemes” raised several questions that we wanted stakeholder input on. In particular, we were looking to understand stakeholders’ views on the specific evidence requirements for proving consumption in the UK for the purposes of Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) and other associated schemes such as Feed in Tariffs (FIT) and Contracts for Difference (CfD).

The consultation period closed on 11 March 2016 and we have published the decision document below to summarise the responses received and outline our decision. Alongside this decision document, we are also publishing the non-confidential responses and the minutes from our stakeholder workshop, as they are relevant to our decision making process.

On 28 April 2016 we published a clarification on 2015/16 Guarantees of Origin and implicit trading.

On 2 June 2016 we published a further clarification on 2015/16 Guarantees of Origin and implicit trading.