Decision on the Post Construction Review of the IFA2 interconnector to France


National Grid IFA2 Limited (NGIFA2) is the second interconnector project to reach the Post Construction Review (PCR) stage of the Cap and Floor Regime. At PCR, we determine the values of the Post Construction Adjustment (PCA) terms that inform the final cap and floor levels for the project.

In March 2022, we consulted on our minded-to position on the proposed values for the PCA terms submitted by NGIFA2 and the resulting cap and floor levels for the project. We also consulted on related changes to the special conditions of NGIFA2’s licence.

This publication is our final decision on the PCR for the IFA2 project. It specifies the PCA terms as £9.7m and £10.2m; and sets the final cap and floor levels at £60.4m and £37.8m respectively (2016/17 prices).

Alongside this decision, we are publishing the consultation responses, relevant modification notices to implement changes to the special conditions of NGIFA2’s licence and final versions of the IFA2 cap and floor financial models (IFA2CFFM1 and IFA2CFFM2) and the handbooks for both models.