Decision on modifications to the Gas Transporters’ RIIO-2 NZASP re-opener licence conditions and the NZASP Re-opener Governance Document

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Gas Transporter Licence

On 8 November 2022, we published a statutory consultation on proposed modifications to the Gas Transporters’ RIIO-2 NZASP re-opener licence conditions that:

  • adjust the maximum funding level up to £100m for Small Net Zero Projects under the Net Zero Pre-construction Work and Small Net Zero Projects (NZASP) Re-opener;
  • implement a mechanism to return unused NZASP funding back to gas consumers; and
  • ensures the same funding options are available for both National Grid Gas Transmission (NGGT) and Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) projects under the NZASP Re-opener.

The consultation also proposed changes under Direction to the Net Zero Pre-construction Work and Small Net Zero Projects Re-opener Governance Document for GDNs and NGGT to reflect the proposed licence modifications above.

We invited responses to this statutory consultation by 8 December 2022. We received four responses to the consultation. After considering these responses and making minor amendments to our proposed licence drafting, we are now issuing our decision on the final licence modifications and modifications to the Net Zero Pre-construction Work and Small Net Zero Projects Re-opener Governance Document. The modifications will take effect from 29 March 2023.