Decision: flexibility market asset registration

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Licence type
Electricity Distribution Licence
Electricity System Operator Licence

We proposed in our Flexibility Market Asset Registration consultation that Elexon as Market Facilitator would be responsible for the work to align national and local flexibility market asset registration processes, and to oversee detailed design work for new digital infrastructure to support this, we also outlined potential delivery body options for this digital infrastructure. 

Our decision 

After more policy development and analysis of consultation responses, we have decided that, alongside the enablers and design work, the Market Facilitator Elexon should also take on the role of Flexibility Market Asset Registration delivery body, responsible for the deployment, and operation of the new digital infrastructure.  

We have refined the scope, design principles, and functional outcomes that will be a starting point for the design of the digital infrastructure which Market Facilitator led Working Groups will develop further. We also expect the Interim Data Sharing Infrastructure Coordinator, when appointed, to work with the Market Facilitator to establish Flexibility Market Asset Registration as a use case of the Data Sharing Infrastructure. 

We will carry out further work to bring Flexibility Market Asset Registration into the role of the Market Facilitator, including consideration of any required impact assessment, cost benefit analysis, or modifications to licences and industry codes.