Decision on changes to the electricity interconnector licence held by Greenlink Interconnector Limited (GIL) and the electricity interconnector licence held by NeuConnect Britain Limited (NBL)


In February 2021, we conducted a statutory consultation on proposed changes to the electricity interconnector licences held by Greenlink Interconnector Limited and NeuConnect Britain Limited. These changes were required in order to implement the cap and floor regime provisions for the licensees. 

Following consideration of responses to the consultation, we have decided to proceed with making these licence changes.  Licence guidance and modification decision notices have been published alongside this decision.

We have also published Greenlink Cap and Floor Financial Model 1 (GCFFM1) and NeuConnect Cap and Floor Financial Model 1 (NCFFM1) templates. These templates will be updated with our costs determination information and financial parameters when the developers have reached financial close. We will then publish the preliminary cap level, preliminary notional floor level and preliminary actual floor level that will apply to Greenlink and NeuConnect.