DCP406 and DCP406A – Access SCR Changes to CCCM Authority decision to send back



This letter sets out our decision to send back Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) DCP406: and DCP406A – Access SCR: Changes to CCCM to be revised and resubmitted. Due to the way the analysis has been presented in the Change Report, we are not clear that the process has adequately considered each modification independently and it does not clearly present a full and distinct assessment for each modification to enable the Authority to make an informed decision on the modification.

We published our Decision and associated Direction on the Access and Forward-looking Charges Significant Code Review (Access SCR) in May 2022 (the ‘Access Decision’ and ‘Access Direction’). Our reforms aim to ensure that electricity networks are used efficiently and flexibly, reflecting users’ needs and allowing consumers to benefit from new technologies and services while avoiding unnecessary costs on energy bills in general. The implementation of the Access reforms will lead to reduced connection charges, and better defined and standardised access right options, enabling more flexible access rights, reducing barriers to entry and supporting the transition to net zero.

We encourage the DNOs to revise and resubmit the proposals in a timely manner, to enable implementation as envisaged under the Access SCR for 1 April 2023.

DCP406 and DCP406A are two of five complementary change proposals brought forward for decision by the Authority, which collectively aim to implement the Access Decision.