Approval of the Access Rules and Charging Methodology submitted by ElecLink pursuant to Standard Licence Condition (SLC) 11A and 10 of the electricity interconnector licence and Exemption Order issued under SLC 12 of the Licence


Publication date


Industry sector

Transmission Network

Licence type

Electricity Interconnector Licence

On 5 February 2016, ElecLink Limited submitted proposed Access Rules and a Charging Methodology for the ElecLink interconnector to the Authority for approval. The proposed modifications were submitted pursuant to Standard Licence Condition 11A of ElecLink’s electricity interconnector licence. The ElecLink Access Rules set out the general terms and conditions a user must accept to obtain and use transmission capacity on the ElecLink interconnector. The Charging Methodology sets out the methods and principles on which charges for the use of the ElecLink interconnector are based.

After careful consideration, we have decided to approve the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology. We consider that the proposed Access Rules will better achieve the relevant access rules and charging methodology objectives.  This letter contains directions to approve the proposed ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology. 

ElecLink’s Access Rules submission was accompanied by a request from ElecLink for the Authority to issue an exemption order under standard condition 12 of its licence.  Following our joint decision with the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie to grant ElecLink an exemption from certain elements of EU law and our approval of the Access Rules, we are satisfied that it is appropriate to issue an exemption order to ElecLink to give effect to the exemption in Great Britain.