
Switching Programme design forums

About the forums

The Switching Programme included several Design Forums aligned to its Workstreams.

These offered an opportunity for industry stakeholders to participate and input into the ongoing work to implement faster more reliable switching. 

For full details of forum meetings, see below. Agenda items are listed by workstreams. 

Design Forum meetings

Near Term Improvements Workstream

The Near Term Improvements workstream is progressing work on faster, more reliable switching that is not dependent on the delivery of the new Central Switching Service (CSS). This will allow work, by both Ofgem and by industry, to improve the reliability of switching before the implementation of any new CSS. MRA and SPAA are leading the Erroneous Transfer Working Group and Energy UK are leading the development of the Energy Switch Guarantee.

The NTI Workstream lead will convene a Design Forum in due course as well as cross-workstream and external workshops, as appropriate, to discuss the three data improvement remedies. If necessary, external stakeholder engagement regarding on the workstream’s three data improvement remedies, ETs and ESG may also be achieved via interaction with other Switching Programme workstream Design Teams or Design Forums.

For further details please refer to the Terms of Reference. 

Publications and updates

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