Ofgem innovation vision 2021 – 2025

Reports, plans and updates
Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Sector diwydiant
Distribution Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Offshore Transmission Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network

The transition to net zero – including the decarbonising power, heat and transport – and the impact of democratisation, decentralisation and digitalisation will redefine and shape the energy landscape over the next 20 years. Ofgem, as the regulator for energy markets, recognises the need to stimulate innovation, particularly in more tightly regulated areas such as network monopolies.

In this Vision, we set out innovation principles and priorities to highlight areas where Ofgem has identified the need for significant innovation and with a view to encouraging regulated parties and other innovators to innovate in these spaces. We recognise changes to the broad landscape will have an impact on the priority themes, and we are only discussing the landscape as it is now. We also recognise that because change is happening rapidly, we will update the priority themes, but expect that the overall principles will remain unchanged.