Public reports and data: REGO

Public reports and data: REGO

Here you can find information showing Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) issued by other EU member states which have been recognised by us, as well as a snapshot of Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin certificates (REGOs) held by suppliers for Great Britain's Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) as well as GB and NI REGOs issued by us and retired for export to another EU Member State. 

Details of generating stations accredited under the REGO scheme are published in the public reports section of the Renewables and CHP Register

Please note: As of 1 January 2021, the EU no longer recognises UK REGOs. From the disclosure period beginning 1 April 2023 and onwards, GoOs are no longer recognised for use in GB FMD, FIT annual levelisation, or CfD. 


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