REGO: Submitting data and managing certificates

Submitting data and managing certificates

Generating stations accredited under the Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) scheme should submit data for generation within the period April to March of each year. Submissions should be made in time for suppliers to use them on 1 July for Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD).

Stations that are or have been accredited under the Renewables Obligation (RO) scheme should take meter readings and submit data monthly. Meter readings should be taken within one day of the end of the month. Stations not accredited on these schemes can submit data less frequently.

How to submit data

To submit data, log in to the Renewables and CHP register and go to Output Data>Submit Output data.

If you have applied for, or are accredited under, the REGO scheme, you will need to submit output data to us. This is set out below:

  • Total quantity of electricity produced: This is the total renewable electricity generated by the station. You should submit monthly gross generation readings in this box. This is what REGOs are claimed on.
  • Import: You should answer ‘0’ to this question and ‘No’ to the question about import being deducted from Levy Exemption Certificates (LECs).

If you previously claimed LECs, you may be asked for additional data. We no longer require figures relating to export, so for generation after 31 July 2015, you can leave the Output field blank.

Managing certificates

REGO certificates can be transferred, redeemed and retired on the Renewables and CHP Register. Generators should transfer REGOs requested by suppliers before 1 July each year. On 1 July, all REGOs in suppliers’ accounts will be redeemed for use in the Fuel Mix Disclosure.

Transferring certificates

To transfer certificates, go to Certificates> REGOs>transfer my REGO certificates.

You will need the unique ID of the organisation you wish to transfer to. When transferring certificates, make sure that the issue date and output period dates are set correctly.

Visit the REGO guidance note to find out out how to claim Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) using the Renewables and CHP Register.

Visit the REGO guidance note