Retail market indicators
Retail highlights March 2025
In our monitoring of the retail energy market for gas and electricity, we collect and analyse a vast range of data. Our retail market indicators give a snapshot of this monitoring. They draw from a comprehensive framework which underpins our ongoing monitoring, including our annual update on the retail energy markets in Great Britain. You can view these updates in the related publications section below.
These market indicators and data are not intended for use or to be relied on for any commercial purposes. View copyright and disclaimer.
If you have feedback on the indicators, please contact us.
Market structure
There were 21 active suppliers in the domestic gas and electricity retail markets as of September 2024. This consisted of 18 suppliers active in both gas and electricity, 1 in gas and 2 in electricity.
In Q3 2024 the combined gas market share of the large legacy suppliers remained the same 68%, and the market share held by other large, medium and small suppliers was 32%.
In Q3 2024 the combined electricity market share of the large legacy suppliers decreased by 1% to 68%. The market share held by other large, medium and small suppliers increased at 32%.
For our classification of suppliers by size see the ‘information tab’ of the market share indicators either for electricity or gas.
Prices and profits
In February 2025, wholesale market prices varied throughout the month. Gas and power prices increased in the first half of the month. After peaking at a 2-year high in mid-February, gas prices dropped in the last two weeks of the month, mainly due to discussions around potential easing of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Average forward contract prices for power reduced as well in the second half of February, driven by reductions in the equivalent gas contracts, while average day-ahead power prices changed significantly following variation in renewable output between days.
For more detailed updates on wholesale prices, visit our wholesale market indicators page.
In February 2025, the number of new fixed tariffs on offer stayed consistent compared to January 2025. Around 86% of these offers were available to the whole market, rather than exclusive to specific customers, with prices generally higher than the price cap for 1 January to 31 March 2025. The average fixed tariff was priced at £1,752 in February 2025, £49 higher than in the previous month.
In February 2025, the average price of SVTs with large legacy suppliers for a typical dual fuel customer paying with direct debit remained constant at £1,738 which is aligned with the price cap for the period 1 January to 31 March 2025. The market cheapest tariff decreased from £1,628 in January 2025 to £1,599 in February 2025 and the cheapest tariff basket slightly decreased from £1,653 in January 2025 to £1,645. See the methodology for information on how the cheapest tariff basket is calculated.
The update of all profit and average bill indicators based on Consolidated Segmental Statements (CSS) has been paused. Only three large domestic legacy suppliers (British Gas, EDF and Scottish Power) and one non-domestic supplier (SSE) had submitted a CSS under existing regulation. This information is insufficient to generate market representative statistics. A review of the CSS obligation is now completed and will expand CSS reporting to most of the domestic and non-domestic market. This will apply to supplier financial accounts for 2023 onwards with publication 10 months after the company’s financial year end. We intend to resume the publication of these indicators as soon as new data becomes available. Read our Reviewing the Consolidated Segmental Statements decision for more information.
The Market Stabilisation Charge was a temporary measure in place from 14 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 which required all domestic suppliers acquiring a domestic customer to pay a charge to the losing supplier when wholesale prices fell considerably below the relevant wholesale price cap index. Read about the MSC on the Market Stabilisation Charge dashboard.
At the start of 2025, there appeared to be a recovery of the switching rate for both fuel classes. As noted, there was a large dip in Q4 of 2024. This appears to be like the pattern observed between 2023-24 where a dip post Q3 was observed but a recovery was made in around Jan 2024.
In January 2025, the total number of switches saw a circa 7% increase in switching from the previous month. The number of switches increased in both fuels; the number of electricity switches went to 218,240 in January 2025 from 202,855 in December 2024. Gas switches went to 165,583 in January 2025 from 155,902 in December 2024.
The proportion of net gains switching away from the large legacy supplier was around 25% in January 2025, continuing to reflect mainly customers moving towards other large and medium suppliers.
Customer credit balances
Suppliers’ Customer Credit Balances (CCBs) are an important aspect of the retail energy market, and this is reflected in licence obligations in relation to both consumer standards and supplier financial resilience.
The data below reflects Ofgem's chosen policy measure. This is for Fixed Direct Debit domestic customers. This focuses the analysis on how households are impacted by CCBs. We have ‘netted off unbilled consumption’ meaning that energy you have paid for but not used does not feature. Finally, as Customer credit balances are seasonal (they rise in summer months and are then spent in colder winter months) we have included the yearly average to disaggregate the seasonal variation from its underlying trend.
These figures reflect households that are in credit, the values are true as of the last day of each calendar quarter (31st March, 30th June, 30th September 31st December).
Finally, the use of quartiles may be impacted as usage changes in the future, which would need to be reviewed and recognised.
This data is published by the end of March, June, September and December each year. For further information see customer credit balances explanatory note.
Methodology and sources
We have selected this range of indicators to support general understanding of the market, including how they contribute to the key priorities outlined in our strategic narrative. We also aim to provide a picture of the market where it is not produced elsewhere, or where there is scope for us to set a clear methodology for the data.
Our data comes from sources that are either publicly available, provided by third parties or from responses to Ofgem information requests. Specific sources and relevant dates are listed with each indicator. We are grateful to third parties for allowing us to reproduce their data.
Most of these indicators will be updated quarterly while still allowing access to historic information. Updates will depend on the availability of data for an indicator.
We will review the indicators periodically to ensure they continue to help promote transparency and understanding of the retail energy market and as additional sources of information become available.