Forward work programme 2021/22 consultation
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Building a greener, fairer energy system for households and businesses in Great Britain
Earlier this year I started my five-year term as Ofgem Chief Executive. It is a privilege to be in the role at this critical time, as we work together to support consumers through the pandemic and as climate change negotiations come to the UK in 2021, drive forward decarbonisation of the energy system.
As the regulator, we have two equally important challenges - to protect the interests of consumers today, to make sure they get a fair deal, and in the future by tackling climate change. This is why on my first day as CEO, we published our Decarbonisation Action Plan – a real milestone for Ofgem and a sign of our commitment to supporting this country’s transition to net-zero.
None of us could have imagined what the next few months would bring with the pandemic impacting our economy and society in unprecedented ways. I want to thank all those working in the energy industry during the COVID-19 crisis. I’ve witnessed a real spirit of collaboration and a focus on what really matters – protecting consumers, especially the vulnerable, and ensuring essential works are carried out to maintain energy supplies.
Alongside responding to COVID-19, Ofgem has thought hard about our vision for a greener, fairer energy system and the role that we should play within it, working within the policy framework set by the government. We welcome the government’s plan for a green industrial revolution and will continue to work closely with industry and wider stakeholders to play our part in its delivery.
There are many things that Ofgem needs to do today that we have always done. We will protect energy consumers from unfair pricing, ensure safeguards are in place for vulnerable consumers and drive the high standards and services expected of an essential service. Across the wider energy system, we will work to maintain security of supply, to make sure that systems and codes are managed effectively, and deliver new regulatory approaches to manage cyber risks in our joint role as Competent Authority with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
We will also continue to run government schemes that support decarbonisation and support some of the most vulnerable in society. Those schemes are already driving the changes we need to hit net-zero and improving outcomes for many vulnerable groups.
Beyond these enduring priorities, we set out in this document five strategic programmes where we believe Ofgem can deliver the greatest impact in the coming years, helping to shape the energy system and deliver real change in the interests of consumers.
We set out in this draft forward work programme some of the initial actions we intend to take, and welcome views on which priorities we should focus on as we further develop our work programme for next year.
Of course, to realise this ambitious agenda, Ofgem itself is going to need to change. We are working hard to transform ourselves to be an even more dynamic, inclusive and high-performing organisation as we face the regulatory challenges of tomorrow’s energy market. Central to this is ensuring that Ofgem itself and the wider sector have diverse and inclusive workforces that better represent the consumers we all serve. This will be fundamental to all of our success.
Finally, as the UK – and indeed the world – looks towards COP26 in Glasgow next year, Ofgem is determined not just to do everything we can to support the transition to net-zero in the UK, but also to bring together international regulators to reflect on what we need to do to support and drive forward net-zero across the world.
The current crisis reminds us how important energy is as an essential service to consumers today, and its importance to our economic and environmental future as a society. Our goal is to build an affordable, low carbon energy system – and I look forward to working with you all to deliver this vision that I know we all share.
Jonathan Brearley
Ofgem chief executive
The energy sector is undergoing a major transformation, as we decarbonise our economy and embrace the opportunities of data and digitalisation. Ofgem has a leading role to play in shaping this transformation, promoting a green recovery, and safeguarding the interests of energy consumers. This consultation document sets out a draft forward work programme in 2021/22 for Ofgem, setting out our proposed activities for continuing to build a greener, fairer energy system for consumers. We welcome your views on how our proposed activities in 2021/22 will help us best achieve our principal objective to ‘protect the interests of existing and future consumers’.
In 2019, we set out our Strategic Narrative, which framed our high-level priorities over a five-year time period. In order to build on this and achieve greater focus, we have developed a new strategic framework that builds on the principles of our Strategic Narrative. The framework is made up of two enduring priorities and five strategic change programmes. The strategic change programmes will focus Ofgem’s effort and resources where we can have the greatest impact on shaping the energy sector and enabling the net-zero transition in the interests of energy consumers. This draft forward work programme document sets out the key activities that we intend to undertake in 2021/22 under each of our strategic change programmes.
In the sections below, we have set out our emerging thinking on the activities we believe that we should prioritise in the coming year. We welcome your views on our new strategic framework and the identified activities.
As always, we will continue to respond to unforeseen events in our planning, such as with our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Proposals in this consultation may be altered as a result of such events.
Please respond to this consultation by emailing your response to by noon, Friday, 19 February. Unless you ask us not to, we will publish all responses on our website. A final version of our 2021/22 forward work programme will be published by 31 March 2021.
The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the ‘Authority’), consists of non-executive and executive members, and a non-executive chair and operates through the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (‘Ofgem’), which is a non-ministerial government department. In this consultation, the terms Ofgem and the Authority are used interchangeably.
The Authority determines strategic direction, sets policy priorities and makes decisions on a wide range of regulatory issues, including price controls and enforcement.
Our objective is to protect consumers’ interests now and in the future by working to deliver a greener, fairer energy system. We do this by:
At Ofgem, we realise that the next decade is critical for a successful transition to a low carbon, digitally-enabled energy system. By 2025, our vision is for an energy system to be on track for net-zero, delivered in the interests of consumers, including:
On 14 December, the UK Government published its Energy White Paper, setting out its goals for the future of the energy sector, including its intention to develop a Strategic Policy Statement1 for Ofgem. We welcome this further clarity from the government. The management of the energy sector, in particular the transition to net zero, requires a partnership between the regulator, governments, energy companies, and energy consumers.
[1] As set out in the Energy Act 2013, section 131 – Designation of a statement
Delivering on our vision will require Ofgem to take a leadership role in the transformation of the energy sector, establishing itself as a world leader in regulating for decarbonisation, making effective use of data, and taking a whole system approach to deliver net-zero at the lowest cost.
We will use our powers to regulate and hold companies to account, to promote competition, innovation and energy sector resilience. We will continue to deliver environmental and social schemes for the government. Collaborating closely with government, industry and other stakeholders, we will focus where we can have the greatest impact.
Alongside the implementation of our new strategic framework, we are undertaking a transformation programme to make Ofgem a more dynamic, inclusive and high performing organisation. We will also be considering ‘how we regulate’ in this increasingly fast-moving sector, and intend to produce guidance to replace Ofgem’s now retired Regulatory Stances.
In 2019, we published our Strategic Narrative, which identified three core priorities for Ofgem:
Building on that narrative, we have now identified five areas where we believe transformative change is required and where we should focus our efforts to achieve the greatest impact, alongside our core regulatory responsibilities.
Our new strategic framework has two enduring priorities and five strategic change programmes to help deliver the transition to net-zero in the interests of consumers.
We will continue to strive for excellence in delivering our core statutory and regulatory functions, protecting the interests of energy consumers, while conducting our activities as cost-effectively as possible. In 2021/22:
Ofgem administers a range of environmental and social schemes on behalf of the government and for the devolved administrations, which collectively are worth £9 billion per annum. Our schemes fall into three main categories – renewable electricity schemes, renewable heat schemes and energy efficiency and social schemes.
2021/22 will be a key year for heat decarbonisation schemes, as the current Renewable Heat Incentive schemes close to new participants, and will launch the new Green Gas Support scheme. More broadly, we will continue to work actively with the government to develop future policies and will work on a programme to strengthen our scheme systems, improving delivery and efficiency over the coming years.
All of the government schemes that we administer support our new strategic change programmes, most notably the drive towards decarbonisation:
One of our key drivers across all of these schemes is to ensure that public funds are protected. To that end, we employ data-driven statistical and targeted auditing, to ensure that participants on the schemes comply with the rules that are set out in regulation or legislation. This is managed through our hub model, which provides functional expertise for delivery, assurance and policy and engagement.
The transition to net-zero requires a major transformation of the energy sector: the continued decarbonisation of power; the electrification of most surface transport; and moving to low carbon energy sources for heating our homes and workplaces. In some areas, there is broad consensus on the direction of travel – for example, the accelerating deployment of renewable power and electric vehicles. However, there remains uncertainty on key questions such as the roles of hydrogen in heat, and how much nuclear power and carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be needed.
Major investment will be required to deliver net-zero in the energy sector. In addition to £30 billion of investment recently approved in our electricity transmission and gas network price controls, we have introduced a new mechanism with the flexibility to approve more than £10 billion of additional net-zero expenditure over the next five years. Additional expenditure will also be required in distribution networks, new power generation and the deployment of low carbon technologies, such as heat pumps.
Ofgem will take an active role in facilitating this investment and ensuring it is efficiently spent. We will work collaboratively with the government to enable and encourage the industry to prepare for the future by setting frameworks to help manage uncertainty, and to maximise the opportunities to enable a smart, lower-cost zero-carbon future. Our low carbon infrastructure strategic change programme aims to ensure that the necessary infrastructure enablers are in place by 2025, by:
We propose to:
We plan to:
The case for energy flexibility is widely acknowledged. As the share of intermittent renewable generation rises, and electricity demand from heat and transport grows, the electricity market will need to become more flexible, primarily to enable demand to adjust to the intermittency of supply.
Demand shifting, storage, and interconnection can help dampen the growth in peak demand, reducing costly curtailment of renewables generation and the need for expensive network upgrades. A more flexible electricity system will be more resilient, and easier and less costly to manage. Altogether, these actions can deliver cost savings of more than £5 billion per-annum, primarily from avoided investment in generation plant and network capacity2.
There are potential sources of flexibility throughout the electricity value chain, from generation, through storage and to behaviour change. As a result, we are establishing the full chain flexibility programme, starting by updating our assessment of the applications of flexibility and taking a broad look at the range of approaches to unlocking the highest potential sources, building on existing work set out jointly with BEIS in the 2017 Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan. We will be focusing on:
As part of this assessment, we will be reviewing our Access Charging Reforms to ensure alignment with the approach that will emerge from the full chain flexibility work. We aim to include findings from our full chain flexibility work in our final forward work programme, which will be published in March 2021. In parallel, we are working with BEIS to develop our joint Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan 2.0, which will be published in 2021.
[2] Pöyry - Imperial College, (2017)
We propose to:
We plan to:
The energy market is likely to undergo rapid change in the coming years. The need to decarbonise heat and transport will impact how consumers use and access energy, while better access to data and new technologies will drive innovative new products and services. At the same time, post-COVID economic pressures may affect the ability of some households to pay their energy bills. And decisions will need to be taken in relation to appropriate protections for consumers, as we approach the 2023 date at which the current default tariff price cap is due to expire.
Ofgem aims to enable a future retail market that can help deliver the technological and behavioural changes needed to support decarbonisation while ensuring the interests of consumers remain protected. To inform our future of retail strategic change programme, Ofgem is conducting an internal review of the current retail market and the key drivers of change, in order to identify priority activities to include in our final forward work programme, which will be published in March 2021. Our preliminary work suggests that this strategic change programme will focus on:
We propose to:
We plan to:
The energy system transition will continue to drive increasing complexity as the number of energy markets, assets, services and market participants proliferate, and the benefits of clear communication and data sharing grow. The smart creation, collection and use of energy system data is fundamental to managing this complexity, and for unlocking new sources of value for all energy stakeholders, including improved consumer protection.
This data and its digital infrastructure services will be able to integrate with equivalent data and services from other sectors, further enhancing opportunities for new markets, better consumer protections and coordination of economy-wide effort to deliver decarbonisation.
Ofgem is committed to using and sharing data effectively as a core component of our operations and regulatory decisions. Our data and digitalisation strategic change programme aims to ensure better regulatory decisions are taken through the improved use of data, and that data is used more effectively by the market, through modern data regulations. In particular, this strategic change programme is aiming to achieve four outcomes:
Core to this programme is Ofgem’s dual roles, coordinating efforts across the energy sector and progressing government goals to modernise the use of and sharing of data. We will be working with industry and government to ensure a joined-up approach to unlocking the benefits of a digitally enabled energy sector and supporting the wider agenda of joining up data across different sectors. We will detail our ambitions and delivery plans by publishing a Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan, jointly with the government, during 2021.
We propose to:
We plan to:
As the energy system undergoes an unprecedented transition, it is right to take a fresh look at the institutional and governance structures – including Ofgem’s own role - and consider whether those structures remain fit for purpose.
To facilitate the transition to a more flexible, data-enabled, net-zero energy system, we believe there is a case for stronger strategic oversight of the energy system, and better whole systems coordination, which may require changes to existing governance procedures, codes, standards and licensing arrangements.
While we note that these questions are primarily for government, Ofgem has a role to play in contributing to the debate in our role as the independent regulator, and in delivering and/or overseeing some elements of organisational change. Examples of us exercising this role include our System Operator Review, the joint Ofgem BEIS review of the energy codes and their governance, and our Engineering Standards Review, jointly commissioned by Ofgem and BEIS.
The aims of this fifth strategic change programme are:
Our energy system governance strategic change programme will help shape Ofgem’s role in the energy system transition, transforming Ofgem’s capabilities to become a more adaptive regulator, that can flexibly respond to a rapidly changing energy landscape, making us a regulator fit for the future.
We propose to:
We plan to:
With the support of the Authority and under the direction of our new chief executive, Ofgem has begun a significant transformation programme. Our overarching goal is to ensure we are a dynamic, inclusive and high performing organisation with a strong reputation as an employer of choice. We want to ensure we are as efficient and effective as possible, as we face the regulatory challenges of tomorrow’s energy market.
Our transformation programme will continue to drive change internally across Ofgem, into the 2021/22 year. These internal changes will take effect at the same time as we launch our new, external-facing strategic framework. The programme includes a range of change activities that aim to further the following outcomes:
By becoming increasingly efficient and effective in how we operate, we will be better able to deliver our strategic framework with pace and agility. An important part of this relates to providing an excellent environment for our people, for example, by supporting the retention and development of our talented workforce. This will help ensure we can best deliver good outcomes for those we serve.
In accordance with the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008, we regularly review our regulatory functions to ensure we do not impose (or allow to continue unnecessarily) undue burdens on regulated parties.
We are currently reviewing our activities from 2019/20 and considering what further burden reduction actions we can take in 2021/22.
Ofgem submitted a Comprehensive Spending Review bid to HM Treasury in September 2020, setting out how we proposed to support the net-zero ambitions of the UK and devolved administration governments, to facilitate investment and innovation and to reduce the cost of energy.
On 25 November 2020, HM Treasury confirmed an increase to Ofgem levy funding, accompanied by a challenging efficiencies target. This figure does not include funding for the delivery of government schemes (E-Serve) which is agreed with BEIS and has yet to be finalised.