Supplier Guaranteed Standards of Performance (GSOP) payments inflation uplift consultation

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Supply and Retail Market

We are consulting on a proposal to increase the compensation payment that suppliers must make to customers when they fail to meet any of the Guaranteed Standards of Performance (GSOP). This proposed payment uplift is intended to account for inflation since the current payment level of £30 was set in 2015.

The Electricity and Gas (Standards of Performance) (Suppliers) Regulations 2015 requires suppliers to meet certain minimum standards across a range of services, including making and keeping appointments, switching times, provision of final bills, and refunds of the credit balances of former customers. If a supplier fails to meet any of these standards, it must automatically provide the impacted customer with a compensation payment. If the supplier fails to provide this compensation within 10 working days, it must also provide a further compensation payment in addition to the original payment.

We are proposing to increase this compensation payment level to account for inflation since the payment level was set in 2015. This consultation sets out our rationale and preferred method for setting the increased payment level at £40 per payment.

Respond name

Steve Kirkwood