Statutory consultation on proposed electricity transmission licence modifications: Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) Price Control Deliverable assessment

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In August 2023 we set out our decision to modify the special licence conditions in the electricity transmission licences to implement the Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) framework. That decision made provision for an ex-post allowance adjustment following delivery of ASTI projects, however this element of the decision has not yet been implemented in the Transmission Owners’ licences.

This consultation contains proposed modifications to Special Condition 9.3 Price Control Deliverable Reporting Requirements and the Price Control Deliverable Reporting Requirements and Methodology Document to give full effect to our ASTI decision and allow for a Price Control Deliverable assessment and allowance adjustment in respect of ASTI projects where the efficient outturn costs deviate by an amount greater than +/-5% of final project allowances.

Respond name

Harry Cain

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