Notice of statutory consultation on a proposal to modify Gas Transporter Standard Licences Condition 2

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Industry sector
Distribution Network
Transmission Network

We propose to modify Standard Condition 2 (SLC2) of the Gas Transporters Licence by deleting the three instances of the wording “with the consent of the licensee”. This would mean that the Authority would no longer need the consent of the licensee to:

  1.   issue a notice ending the suspension of paragraphs 4 to 8 of SLC2;
  2.   issue or vary a Transportation Services Direction; and
  3.  provide for Section C conditions to cease to have effect.

The proposed modifications would mean that SLC2 would be compliant with the requirements of Article 39(4) of Directive 2009/73/EC as the Authority would be able to make independent decisions on whether to switch certain licence conditions on or off. The proposed modifications would also ensure that SLC2 is compliant with Article 41(16) of the Directive which provides that decisions of national regulatory authorities shall be subject to judicial review, as the licensee would retain its underlying right to seek judicial review of the Authority’s decisions under SLC2.

Respond name

Ian Rowson

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