Notice of intention to release SSE plc from commitments

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Industry sector

Distribution Network


In January 2015, we opened an investigation into the conduct of companies in a corporate group headed by SSE plc (“SSE”) under the Competition Act 1998 (“CA98”). The investigation considered whether SSE had infringed Chapter II of the CA98 and/or Article 102 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“TFEU”) by abusing a dominant position and putting its competitors at a disadvantage in the electricity connections market within the area covered by SSE’s electricity distribution network in the south of England.

On 3 November 2016, following a statutory consultation, we decided to accept binding commitments from SSE. The Commitments addressed the competition concerns that we had identified during the course of the investigation. The Commitments took effect from the Implementation Date, 4 May 2017 and were subject to review following a period of 5 years after the Implementation Date. The 5 year period has now passed. This consultation, as required by paragraph 11 of Part II of Schedule 6A of the CA98, sets out our proposal to release SSE from the Commitments and seeks views from interested parties and other industry stakeholders as to whether Ofgem should release SSE from the Commitments.

We are seeking written responses by 5pm, 26 October 2022.

Respond name

Susan Paget

Respond telephone