Key enablers for DSO programme of work and the Long Term Development Statement

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

DSO is a set of functions that are required to take place for effective network management at distribution level. As set out in our DSO position paper, for these functions to be realised, there are ‘key enablers for DSO’: material improvements to the foundational building blocks on which smart, flexible networks and DSO function delivery will rely. These step-change enhancements will meet user’s needs, and are built on a number of incremental individual technology, data and engineering improvements.

Reform to the long term development statement (LTDS) is the first key enabler in our work programme. Improvement to the LTDS is core to enhancing the availability of network forecasting and planning data, and will underpin a number of DSO functions.

This update to the LTDS will be the first licence condition to embed findings from the energy data taskforce (EDTF), with specific reference to data visibility and interoperability.

We are developing our wider key enablers for DSO work programme. We seeks views on where regulatory reforms may be required to enhance technology, data and engineering competencies that enable DSO.

The consultation supplementary document sets out evidence of enhancements to network forecasting and planning data, and explains the coordination of this work with wider inititiaves upderway.

Responses to this consultation can be submitted to, alternatively we are piloting an online portal for consultation responses to streamline the process. The online portal for responses is linked here. The deadline for responses is the 7 February 2020.

Respond name

Alex Walmsley

Respond telephone

Respond email