Improving debt standards in the domestic retail market

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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

We want your views on proposals to improve experiences for people who are struggling to pay their energy bills.

We are consulting on proposals to:

  • develop a debt outcome that guarantees high standards of care and customer service for people experiencing debt problems 
  • standardise and improve the consistency of ability to pay assessments
  • improve working between suppliers, and consumer groups and charities

We are also using this consultation to gather evidence on potential future reforms to improve debt management in the sector. 

This consultation is published alongside our overarching debt strategy and consultation on a proposed debt relief scheme.

Who should respond

We are interested in hearing from all stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers, and consumer groups and charities. We particularly welcome views from people with an interest in or experience of energy debt, fuel poverty, and vulnerability.


In March 2024 we published a Call for Input on Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market. We discussed the reasons behind the affordability and debt challenges in the energy retail market and what more could be done to protect and support consumers struggling with their bills. 

We received feedback from individual consumers, consumer groups and charities, energy suppliers and industry bodies. There was agreement that the sector needs to change how it manages debt and that we should look at options to intervene to ensure the sector is doing all it can to ensure good outcomes. 

Why your views matter

We want customers in payment difficulties to achieve good outcomes. Your views will help us create policies which can protect and support people struggling to pay.

How to respond

Send your response to This consultation closes for responses on Thursday 6 February 2025.