Future energy pathways (FEP): draft guidance

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Updated 28 February 2025

We asked

We asked for views and feedback on our draft guidance for producing future energy pathways. This was aimed at the National Energy System Operator (NESO).

You said

The majority of responses agreed that we had accurately reflected our decision in the guidance. Most responses asked for more clarity in certain areas. Read the responses to this consultation.

We did

We have amended the guidance based on the responses received. Read our decision, direction of notice and tracked changes published with our online consultation.

See the latest version of the Future Energy Pathways guidance.

Original consultation

We are seeking views on our draft Future Energy Pathways Guidance (Guidance), which is directed at the, soon to be established and operational, National Energy System Operator (NESO).

Who should respond

We would like views from the Energy System Operator (ESO) or those that utilise the Future Energy Pathways (FEP), previously the Future Energy Scenarios. We also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public. 


Future Energy Scenarios have been published annually by the current Energy System Operator (ESO) since 2011. They have explored how expected future energy demand and supply could be met by making changes to infrastructure, technology, innovation and consumer behaviour in line with net zero targets.  

As of 2024, the ESO has moved from the previous scenario-based approach to strategic pathways. Recognising this, here they are referred to as the FEP.

ESO will soon be designated as the Independent System Operator and Planner, hold an Electricity System Operator Licence and Gas System Planner Licence, and be known by the company name of National Energy System Operator (NESO).  

Once created, NESO will have responsibilities across Great Britain’s electricity and gas networks, including all the existing functions of ESO, so it is able to take an enhanced whole system approach to planning and operating the energy sector.  

In line with its proposed new strategic planning responsibilities, a key objective for NESO will be the delivery of the Centralised Strategic Network Plan (CSNP) announced in November 2022. Amongst many other uses, the FEP will need to support delivery of the CSNP by providing energy modelling input.   

Why your views matter

You may have previously responded to our calls for inputs and now we’re keen to hear what you think about our draft Guidance.

How to respond

This consultation closed on 13 September 2024.