Framework consultation: electricity distribution price control (ED3)

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
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Industry sector
Distribution Network


We are seeking views on the framework for the next electricity distribution price control, starting in April 2028.  

Who should respond 

We would like to hear the views of individuals and organisations with an interest in using and connecting to the distribution network, those with an interest in providing services and supporting the development of the network, as well as consumer groups and the distribution network operators (DNOs) themselves. We also welcome responses from government, other regulators, investors, credit rating agencies, consumers and any other stakeholders. 


The electricity distribution network provides the infrastructure to transport electricity between the transmission network, embedded generators, storage assets, homes and businesses. The companies that own and operate this network are regulated by us under a price control framework which is reviewed and amended periodically through the price control process.  

The upcoming ED3 price control period, starting 1 April 2028, will be critical in delivering the energy system transformation required to enable increased electrification of demand and the integration of more renewable generation into the electricity system, aligned with wider government objectives. 

This consultation seeks input from stakeholders on various aspects of the proposed ED3 framework, including the overarching objectives, regulatory models, consumer outcomes, and specific measures to address the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the electricity distribution sector. 

By gathering feedback, we aim to refine the framework, to ensure it effectively enables the DNOs to deliver this core part of the transition to a net zero economy, while protecting consumer interests and promoting sustainable economic growth. 

Why your views matter

We want to hear your views on the current electricity distribution framework arrangements and your ideas for its evolution, including alternative options. We encourage respondents to consider the specific questions outlined within this consultation, as well as inviting feedback on other areas relevant to the ED3 framework. Your responses to this consultation will inform our framework decision and help to shape the methodology phase of the process. 

How to respond

This consultation closes on 15 January 2025. Please send your response to