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ESO Separation - notice of proposal to partially transfer an electricity transmission licence held by National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc to National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited

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We welcome views through this statutory consultation on the proposal to partially transfer an electricity transmission licence held by National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (NGET) to National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited (NGESO).

The proposed transfer and modifications are a core element of the separation of the electricity system operator (ESO) functions from NGET’s licence, which will go live in April 2019.

In addition, we have included a further term in Part 1 of NGESO’s licence to ensure that existing derogations have continuing effect.

Further, there are 4 outstanding entries in the table to the Appendix to Special Condition 3A to both licences which will be confirmed in the late summer 2018 and accordingly those changes will have to be effected under a s11A of the Electricity Act 1989 modification procedure.

Respond name

Ayena Gupta

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