Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Consultation: scoring methodology - part 2

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This consultation sets out proposals for the scoring methodology for the next Energy Company Obligation, ECO4. ECO4 is planned to run from April 2022 to March 2026.

The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published a consultation on proposals for ECO4 in July 2021. This set out their intent for Ofgem to continue in our role as scheme administrator. As part of this role, we are responsible for publishing a scoring methodology for the scheme, in accordance with core requirements set by BEIS.

BEIS intend that ECO4 will move to a whole-house approach based around multi-measure projects. This requires significant changes to the scoring methodology used in ECO3.

We are consulting on our proposals for the scoring methodology in two parts. We will issue a joint decision following the conclusion of both parts of the consultation process.

Part 1 of our consultation closed on 4 October 2021. It set out our over-arching plans for the methodology and included draft ‘full project scores’ based on the improvement in a home’s SAP rating.

This second consultation provides further details on our proposals, and includes ‘partial project scores’ for the installation of individual energy efficiency measures.

Alongside the main consultation document, we have published draft full and partial project scores. The consultation references a further subsidiary document, the Methodology Document. This is being finalised, and will be added to this page as soon as it is available.

Next steps

The consultation will be open from 13 December 2021 to close of business on 21 January 2022. Responses and queries should be directed to

Respond name

Eric Baster

Respond telephone

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