DCC Price Control Consultation: Regulatory Year 2014/15

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market


The Data and Communications Company (DCC) is required to report price control information by 31 July, following each regulatory year. It must report in accordance with the Regulatory Instructions and Guidance that we publish.

Each July DCC can also propose an adjustment to its baseline margin values. We assess this proposal and determine whether or not to change the level of margin values agreed when the licence was awarded. We also assess DCC’s performance against a set of implementation milestones.

In this document we review the costs DCC reported for regulatory year 2014/15 and set out our proposals. We also explain our assessment of DCC’s application to change its baseline margin values. 

We welcome your views on our proposals, and will consider them when we take our decision. Please send responses to Laura Nell (smartermarkets@ofgem.gov.uk) by 20 January 2016. We will publish our decision on DCC’s price control in February 2016.

Respond name

Laura Nell